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what shoe is this

20 17:11:21

what shoe
what shoe  
hello sir, may i know the name of this shoe in the image i have attached? when to use it on horses?


Invented actually in the 1800's, has been used seems like forever. Brought back to
popularity in the early 1980's by the late-famous Texas farrier Burney Chapman & the
late Dr. George Platt,DVM.

The heart-bar or tongue-bar shoe.
It is used to support the distal phalanx/coffin bone in the hoof capsule. Because it loads the
frog ( which is softer & more elastic) it takes load & pressure off the sole and coffin bone for relief in cases of laminitis/founder. great for taking pressure off the heels to allow more strength & growth.
Can be Very effective in heel soreness/navicular bursitis or any palmar heel pain.

MUST BE put on properly to achieve success !! Many times in the hands of an amateur, the
horse will show more discomfort because of a bad application !! Again...guidance and
training to apply properly is a MUST !!

Great Question !!!
Best To You ...

Joepaul Meyers,C.J.F.