Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Farriers > foal heel injury

foal heel injury

20 17:10:46

heel injury
heel injury  
Hello sir. I have a question for you regarding heel injuries in foals. hope you can answer it.

presently i stay in a remote area where farriers are unavailable and vets rarely visit my stable. my friend a riding instructor has a marwari breed 7 month foal colt who injured his heel. he is unaware of how it happened. the foal is turned out in the a small square shaped sand arena(place where riders come to the club and ride horses) i have attached an image of it. could you give a  simple and good solution for it?


It appears from the picture that it is "more" than an abrasion. More like a puncture
or such.
Since you don't have access to a veterinarian, I would "suggest" some kind of drying agent.
Anything with an iodine base could work well !!

Make sure it is cleaned well first & a wrap or bandage for a week would help with the healing.
Later you may want to treat it open, no wrap to let it air out and dry. Antiseptic powders
work well also.

Best to You !!
Joepaul Meyers,CJF