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New horse !!!

20 17:12:23

QUESTION: I have just gotten a 17hh tb and he is currently lame due to having an abscess which has caused some bad cracks and some of his hoof to break off. the old owner told me that her farrier said one more trim should fix the problem but his hoof still has a large crack running around it. the crack does not look deep but i am still worried could his lameness end up permanent or will it heal it self in time?


Congratulations on your new horse !!

I hope you have a good farrier...the problem can be easily solved.

IF your horse has opportunity to keep his hooves wet or too wet,
2/3 times a week apply Koppertox or alittle strong 7% iodine to the
soles. It will "tuffen" them and may help greatly with more solar
abscess' in the future. As I've said before; soft hooves can pick-up
and have many things penetrate the walls or soles and cause major problems for the riders/owners.
Cosmetically...the crack needs to be maintained by grooving the crack
and if it looks clean, putty can be applied to keep dirt and matter out till it grows down.

Where the challenge will be if the farrier can hot shoe if necessary
to draw clips on a shoe and protect the walls till it's completely
gone. Factory made clips are NOT ALWAYS good because they are NOT
placed where the problem is !! Many farriers use them to save time,
but end up only "ornamental" and NOT solve the problem.
Not to say your horse may even need shoes...

The only way this horse CAN go if it is neglected by your
or any other farrier.

Smile and relax and enjoy your horse !!

Joepaul Meyers,C.J.F.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for the info. I just have one more question. Are those gel bottom boots you can get  better option than shoeing for sensitive hooves? A friend of mine has them for her tb and she says that are way better than shoes for the hoses hoof.


Medi-Boots, Ol' Mac, Easy Boots, and many more are basically ALL the same except for a few differences in style, shape, fit and price.

IF I could leave all my horses barefooted...I would be tickled to death !! I've said numerous times "The best shod horse is a barefoot one."  But...........most of the time and terrain that we put horses in and under, won't hold up to strong work without shoes.

There will ALWAYS be that 30% that can go barefoot and perform and have NO PROBLEMS...great genetics.

Not "knocking" your friend...but "way better" ??? Opinion only. She has NOT dealt with what I've dealt with and the countless dedicated
veterinarians I've worked with through 36yrs. Without shoes of some
sort, these horses would have NEVER had "quality of life"...
and that would have been "TRAGIC"!!!

We shoe for "PROTECTION OR CORRECTION" that's the bottom line.
Many people will sacrifice their horses well being to save money and cut cost. I've pulled many "boots" off of horses that have irritated
the coronary band and caused soreness and discomfort. "Boots" are
generic made and more times than not, they simply don't fit properly.

A horse person who needs shoes, needs to talk to their veterinarians
and try and find a "qualified farrier" with the right credentials.
MANY wait till there is a big problem and then complain of the costs
that could have been avoided.

Thanks for getting back to me...
The Best to You...