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20 17:12:56

I have a 3.5 year old Morgan/Arabian gelding who is barefoot and untrained to pick up his feet.  I am wondering if you have any tricks to offer to help me train him to lift and hold his feet for trimming (I plan to keep him barefoot).  I have had him for one month and have been unable to get him to keep his front feet up for me, he will pick them up, then start pawing forward to get me to release hold.  I make sure that I am close to him and not holding his leg at an unnatural angle, I am also very gentle and patient with him.  I plan to take my time training him to ensure we get things right.  I have not even attempted lifting his back legs at all (we are still getting to know one another and I do not want to lose his trust... or get a hoof print on my face!!)

Any advise on how to get him to hold his feet up??


Everything you have explained to me sounds great!! I feel you are going about it in the right way...but...

I always hate when someone says that ...:)  :)

He IS 3 1/2 yrs. old and getting more set "in-his-ways".
There are a few different ways to handle this and I feel with what you have told me, you are honest and open-minded.

I am 6'5 and 235 lbs. and I'm in very good shape. Many times "out-of-kindness" for my clients, I will spend alittle extra time with there horses and assist with things like this. are doing the right thing, but I have to use "brute" strength and talk the horse out of pulling away.
NOT abusive but just hang on. With a kind gentle voice and
not letting go...I can usually conquer them and do it again and they will give in to me.
You being the one who feeds this horse really helps because
there is an understanding and bond with you and him.

Another way is to use a qualified trainer, you trust; and usually within a week they can get the job done. It all
depends on your daily schedule and how much "quality" time
you have to spend ??
In my should NOT feed him or give him treats
while you're trying to educate him. Horses DON'T reason, they react to how we behave with them. Flight or Fight is their basis, but they have a "vanilla" attitude toward most things. Repeating what we do "usually" wins out. A firm BUT kind hand is always best !!

Wish you the best...
Joepaul Meyers,C.J.F.