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Swollen coronary bands/split front feet

20 17:11:57

I met a draft cross mare yesterday and noticed all four feet had very swollen coronary bands and her front feet were severely split nearly to the coronary band. She did not seem lame though I was not able to lead her or ask for movement she may soon be under my care and I need a game plan to help her. She is currently shod but the splits do not seem to have been addressed each front hoof only has one severe split up the middle. She could be lame but equally so I will know more when I begin her care as her stable manager. Please offer advice I'm certain this swelling is not normal. Thank you Dawn


IF she falls into your care, the key is proper nutrition. NOT just feeding twice/three times
daily. Some vitamins being water soluble will build blood and make the horse feel better and increase appetite, but "amino acids" are the "keys" to LIFE.

Immediately feed a hoof supplement that has a "balanced" amino acid ingredients. The swelling she is having COULD be from the shoeing or just compression of the weight on the badly conditioned hooves. Cracks and splits can be addressed later by a qualified farrier with good
trimming and perhaps front shoes for good support.

The fact that she's NOT lame right now is a blessing !!

One last thing...with any of your "cold-blooded" breeds//drafts,some appaloosas...horses that have long hair on their pasterns (also known as feathers) they can have skin problems, especially drafts breeds. If the grooming isn't done an a regular basis, a fungus will begin
on the coronary band and can actually have lesions and sores. They are just alittle more "high
maintenance" and cannot go for long periods without proper grooming. If you are in high humidity
country or where it stays very wet, be on guard for thrush and canker( a condition that affects
drafts more than any other breed).

The Best to You !!
Joepaul Meyers,C.J.F