Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Farriers > horseshoe - no sole

horseshoe - no sole

20 17:11:33

QUESTION: hello sir, may i know why doesnt a horseshoe has sole as human shoes have it?

ANSWER: The feet of horses and humans are different so the shoes are different. In special cases a farrier may place a pad on the horse's foot with the shoe. This pad would protect the sole.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks for the answer. sir, may i know in what cases farriers place a pad on the horse's foot with a shoe to protect the sole? is that for flat footed horses so their soles are not concave?

There are two reasons to use pads, protection of the sole and to alter gait. Yes, pads can be used on flat footed horses to protect the sole. But there are a number of reasons to protect the sole. Also, not all flat footed horses need pads. Horses with thin soles would need pads and the sole may not be flat.