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hoof abscess

20 17:12:22

My 13 yr old mare has an abscess and the vet has been out 2 times and cut a huge hole in her foot I saw the puss and he drained and soaked the foot. That was 2 weeks ago she is still very lame and I have been soaking her and keeping the foot wrapped. She is a mess what do I do?


I'M going to "tread water" on this one for sure. Veterinarians do it "their way"... Farriers alittle different.

In Vet School...(and I've worked at 4 different University's and have worked around many more)they are taught to: "When in doubt...Cut it out"; THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN TOLD??!!?? Open the abscess or infected area to allow draining and ALWAYS soak to help with healing and to draw the infection.
Many times though, especially on shallow soled horses...the horses stay sore more from the "loss" of sole protection, than from the abscess itself. FACT.
Basically...the hole is large and very tender.

90% of the veterinarians I have worked with even after 36 years,
have me do the abscess' because it lies in "my expertise and world".
Many other Vets would say that "entering the corum of the sole lies in the hands of a veterinarian".

I normally take care of it by making a "smaller hole" and soaking or
making a poultice to draw it out.After a week/10 days,it should be in great shape !!
IF the abscess is near nails or around the "white line" I don't worry.
IF it is a puncture wound or abscess caused by such, I would ask a Vet to look or have it radiographed to make sure it isn't real deep
or hit the coffin bone or other important areas.

At this point. Quit soaking it. It with remain alittle soft...not a good thing. I'm assuming that your horse is barefooted. Every other
day put mild iodine on the spot,cover with gauze and vet wrap. You can also put "Wonder Dust" Farnum (every feed store sells it) on it and then wrap. BE SURE to "only" change the wrap every other day.
Both will dry the abscess area and help it to shrink and get
calloused. KEEP the horse dry no matter what.

I've had great results doing it both ways and it will work!!
If I can help you again let me know...

Best to you...
Joepaul Meyers,C.J.F.