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Proper shoe for choppy high-stepping pacer

20 17:12:56

I have a 4 year old pacer that is just about ready to qualify to race. She appears to be somewhat choppy, or a high stepper, in that she brings her knees straight up and quite high. So much so that I joke that she is going to punch herself in the nose with her knee. As a result, she does not have much extension. It would seem to me that this could lead to some degree of pain or lameness in the front legs, as she comes straight down on them. What type of shoe and angle degree would you recommend. I am getting conflicting information. On one hand, I have been told to go with alum. or light steel, with good corking on the front. Others say go with more weight, long toe/short heel. I was going to add pads to her shoeing, to take some of the impact. My main concern is her well-being and soundness, so any information you can offer would be appreciated. Thank you, in advance for your time


I do not believe that I could give you enough accurate
information,for I have done very little shoeing  on
"trotters  and pacers". The concept I do understand but not
enough experience to be "on-the-money".

I will say that because she has "alot of knee" using
aluminum will not change anything. You are correct in your assumption that sooner or later lameness could be a factor.
Concussion will slow or end more careers as much as faulty

Shoeing Standard-breds is "another art" in itself...
Wish I could be of more help...Wish you the best !!

Joepaul Meyers,C.J.F.