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proper shoe for a navicular fracture

20 17:12:05

You responded last month to my question on a navicular fracture our 2YO pacing standardbred colt sustained on the race track in May, thank you! I now have a shoeing question for this horse... The colt has been on stall rest now about 6 weeks, and we had him shod with a bar shoe, and today he was trimmed and re-set. I have him on a "calcium plus" supplement, a mineral & amino acid supplement, and he is wearing Back on Track ceramic bell boots daily . When I emailed you last, he was 3-legging it, and could put no weight on the affected foot.  This past week we walked him the length of the barn and back twice(indoors, down the aisle) and he is walking really well. He needs to be trimmed and re-shod in 4 weeks, and will still be on stall rest at that time. He should be up to a little walk each day by then( of course he is getting a bit rambunctious!). I have found some theraputic shoes online,not sure if something for navicular syndrome would be good for a navicular fracture?  and have read a lot of recommendations for a bar shoe with quarter clips ( with or without raised heels ?) a rolled toe ? aluminum or steel? What would you recommend ?  Of course because he could not put weight on his lame foot for the first 3 weeks or so, we could not clean his feet out ,and now he has a bit of thrush (we are treating with coppertox). I have to order whatever shoe he needs from the states, and truly appreciate your recommendation.


There is no "proper shoe" for navicular fractures. Every case is a bit different and must be approached differently.

From what you are telling me, you've done a "great job" and your follow thru is excellent!! is NOT unusual for a horse to be sore/lame/tender for awhile after being treated.
It all varies from horse to horse. Recovery will vary.

I prefer steel, but aluminum is good especially when you need to be "light" with a young horse.
I believe in rocker/rolled toes with and without barshoes. I feel clips are a "must"!! It stabilizes the fracture and hoof capsule. They SHOULD be hand drawn by the farrier. Side-clips are hard to purchase and quarter clips are "too far forward" from the navicular area to do alot
of good. As they say..."You shouldn't cast an elbow, if the wrist is broken"... :)

As far as the thrush...I'd prefer a 2% or 50/50 mix of water and iodine to aqggressively cure the thrush. Koppertox is good but has a drying agent that is good for routine treatments.

Thanks again...
Joepaul Meyers,C.J.F