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Proper foot care -- Belgian Draft Cross

20 17:13:11

I just bought a 5-year old Belgian Draft Cross.  He is sound as could be in the ring (sandy surface) and on grassy surfaces.  But lately, when I take him on the
trail, he is "ouchy" on the stones and hard surfaces and wants to move over to the softer shoulders.  He has never been shod, but I fear I will do him damage if I continue to ride him barefoot on the trail.  His feet are too big for even the largest G2 Old Macs.  I could have boots specially made by Horse Sneakers, but the measurements they require are so exacting, it seems less trouble to just have a farrier shoe him.  Any thoughts, advice?  Thanks, Tom

Hi Tom
Sorry for the delay in answering your question.
Ouchy on stones and hard surfaces is quite indicative of the large breeds. Their solar region is either quite flat or in some instances prolapsed. Continued riding on hard or rocky surfaces may lead to bruising. I would recommend shoeing. Depending upon the condition of his soles (flat or prolapsed)a  pad may also be required.  I hesitate to recommend boots as they cannot be shaped to fit an individual horse and are extremely slick on wet surfaces. I hope this helps answer your questions.