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barefoot training on sand - racing thoroughbreds

20 17:10:50

hello sir. i would like to exercise my racing thoroughbreds heavily on sand barefooted. would you advise me. i would surely apply caster oil on horse hooves 1 hour before exercise.


AGAIN...The use of castor oil is "neither here or there"...doesn't matter.

Would be more beneficial after you worked them !!
Working them in sand barefooted is FINE, as long as you maintain the hooves & keep
them neatly trimmed with no flairs, chips or cracks.

Watch "over bathing" them !!  Afterwards, water always has a reverse effect, the hooves will absorb and then can dry out quickly & cause damage. Your idea of conditioner on their hooves
is very good !!

Best to You !!
Joepaul Meyers,CJF