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trimming show jumping thoroughbred hoof and changing shoe

20 17:11:43

hello, how frequently should i trim the show jumping thoroughbred horse hoof and change the shoe. i believe that show jumping horses are given moderate work, so the hoof grows slowly and it may take 2.5 to 3 weeks for the hoof to grow. am i right


Since you come from country that has constant or more than normal warm weather; compared
to the U.S.A., TRIMMING SHOULD BE DONE EVERY 5/6 WEEKS according with how you are feeding.

Nutrition plays the major part in proper hoof growth. Letting the horse grow longer, will
only give more stress to the tendons and ligaments.

Naturally, you would make a shoe change at that time.

Best to You...
Joepaul Meyers,C.J.F.