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fore hooves round and hind oval

20 17:11:03

hello sir. may i know why thoroughbred horses have round fore hooves and oval hind hooves? this is the reason why they are shod with borium shoes on their hind.


First ... Borium is strictly a traction device/application on the shoes & ANY breed of
horse can have them applied. NOT only on the hind but all (4) shoes.

Second... Most all breeds of horses tend to have more round front hooves & oval/tapered
hind hooves.
Reason being, the fronts are for pulling and pivoting on turns, therefore being broader
gives a bigger surface to operate.
The hind hooves are tapered so they can drive and push off when they excellerate.
The hind end/quarters is the "motor/engine" of the horse. The more tapered shape helps
then dig in and drive forward better !!

Best to You!!
Joepaul Meyers,CJF