Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Farriers > horizontal crack below the the coranary band

horizontal crack below the the coranary band

20 17:12:41

I have an 8 year old mare, this afternoon I noticed a crack in her hoof running horizontally just below her coronary band. I have known her since I was 10, and she has been known to have hoof problems. her owners left 2 years ago, and I've just managed to buy her in June. Her hooves have been neglected and they are very overgrown. I have just gotten a set of hoof nippers. I live in Peru where there are no good vets. I am scared that her hoof may falloff like that one lady's mare Splash's did. I love Morena very much and would  hate to have to put her down she is pregnant and will have a foal in October. Please help!!!

Hi Christine.
Thanks so much for your inquiry.

Well, the crack *could* be an old abscess that blew open at the coronary band and is working its way down the hoofwall with the growth of horn. Or, it could be the horse stepped on herself or otherwise injured herself. A small crack is generally not something to be concerned with but if it is a large one then it needs tending. Do you have photos you could send to me privately? I would not mind at all. Simply send to and then I would be able to see the hoof and give a more solid answer to you.
