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hoof of my horse

20 17:11:44

Hello my name is samantha im from alabama i have a tennessee walking mare who is lame on her right foot... she was diagnosed with a canker of the frog and we treated that about 3 months later the inside of her hoof like the walls started being eaten away we took her to a vet and he said it was white line disease we have been treating her for whiteline for almost a year and its not getting better its to the point where she can barely walk and her hoof when you look at from the front is caved inward and the sides are so wide out it looks like a pancake to her other have any clue what she might have before we have to put her down for not being able to treat it??


This is very tough !! Alot of questions could be asked by me.
USUALLY...And I said USUALLY...Canker and White Line Disease (Onycomycosis)is "spawn'd" by the enviroment around your horse. Your case is unusual to have BOTH problems with the same horse!

That's why I go to living conditions,correct nutrition and hoof care ??
Remember...with the little information you have given me, Iam ONLY speculating.
If I saw the horse I may be able to give alot of input.

I am not professing to be a "super-star" but have cured ALL my cases of "canker" especially in Draft horses which is difficult and have had 33/35 cases of white Line in my career and have lost
none !!

Do you have a qualified Farrier? Your Vet should know "white-line" when he sees it. What
medicine has he prescribed for treatment?? Why is the hoof allowed to "remodel" in a wrong shape?? After a year, was medicines changed?? Was supplements given at a high volume?? Has a "culture" been taken of the stratum/inside wall?? Was radiographs taken of the hoof capsule ??

That's what is asked when a new vet or farrier is brought in to save a horse.

I feel for you and the horse and I do care !!
As far as a clue...I just have to go by what you are telling me.

I'd be happy to answer more of your questions or advise, but I would have to be more involved
and be told everything that has been done and not done.

Best To You !!
Joepaul Meyers,C.J.F.