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Boots for Navicular horse

20 17:12:01

Hi, I have a old horse with navicular, he is thirty years old, I always had him corrective shoed, but since I can no longer ride him, he is now barefoot. I keep him trimmed and give him the natural bute about twice a week. I like to get him out for short walks etc, but he is very tender although we don't go far, I am thinking of getting him some slip on boots, would that help do you think? I have never tried them but I would really like to get him out more but I don't want to make him worse off. We live in a pretty rocky area although his coral is mostly soft dirt /sand. Thank you !

Absolutely I think the boots would help, Bobbie! :)   I recommend "The Glove" - it's new, it's light weight (comparatively speaking), easy to put on and stays on!  You can find out here:

That will get you started off on the right foot - er, *ahem*, "hoof".

(sorry, must be the heat getting to me!  *GRIN*)