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Soft hooves

20 17:12:05

My 5 year old has soft hooves, he sometimes has a 1/4 crack but most of the time he just grows out in all directions,and fast.I have had his feet trimmed every 3 months and I file when I can get some help, and he looks like it's been a year. My farrier has said he has never seen a horse's feet grow so fast. we have decided to go to every 2 month, trying to get him up on his toes more.I feed him omelene 200 and worm him every 3 months he has Bermuda grazing and 1 sq.bale of Bermuda at night.He is a beauty, people stop just to look at him.and he hasn't been cut, a sweety pie, gentle as can be. What would you recommend to help strengthen his hooves and what would cause the fast growth?


First off...3 months is WAY too long between trimmings. In the late Spring and Summer, many horses that are being "very well" taken care of like yours, needs to be done every 5/6 weeks at the most. That way you keep a tight foot on them and quality heel will grow properly.

When the nights start getting in the middle 60's and lower, you can start sliding back to 8 weeks. Feeding a quality amino acid with his normal diet will strenghten his hooves.

It sounds like the "key" here is to just trim him more often and you will see great results!!

Best to You...
Joepaul Meyers,.C.J.F.