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horse feet

20 17:12:16

I have been away at college and my horse had been barefoot. He has always had one front foot that was bigger than the other. Since I've been away this foot has seemed to have gotten bigger, or more spread out. He does get his feet done regularly and he has been doing very well with out shoes. He does not seem to be lame in anyway, either. What could be causing his foot to spread out like this? Would putting shoes on him help?
Thank you,

Hi Lisa ... I'm so sorry for the delay in my answer to you. Holiday, Family and all takes precedence this time of year! *GRIN*  

There could be a couple of things that might be issues but without photos it would be difficult for me to give you an applicable answer. Perhaps trimming more often would help but, again, I can't say for sure without seeing the hooves. If you could send photos to me that would help. You may send them to  Please keep the camera on the same level as the hooves ... that is, on the ground when you take the shots. Make sure the hooves are clean and get the angle of the photo with the lens pointing directly at the hoof. Photos needed would be sides, fronts, and solar (underneath - sole view).  

thanks for your question and I hope with photos I'l be able to give you a more concrete answer.

:) -- Gwen