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Hoof care and cancer of frog

20 17:12:13

Hi Gwen, I have a Danish warmblood and have recently noticed a growth protruding from the back of the frog on his front right foot. It seems to be sensitive and has formed a pouch like round sack of the same tissue as the frog. My vet has called for surgical removal under general anesthesia and says it is a benign tumor.

I have never seen anything like this. What could e the cause? How can I care for the sensitivity before and after  surgery? Is surgery the only option?


Hi Kathleen. Well, not seeing the growth myself and not being a vet I don't feel I would be qualified to answer this other than to say that I know of a product called Xterra which is only available from your vet that is known to take care of cancerous and benign growths. You might ask him about that before proceeding with surgery?
