Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Pet rat has nasty, open sore on bump

Pet rat has nasty, open sore on bump

21 15:19:41

I know you are a MOUSE expert, but i have a rat, please try to help anyway because my moms credit card info was stolen after she used it for a game online, and she only has about $8 left, so we cant afford a vet. she called someone about it from the site, but they thought she was lying. Here's the info:

he has, what i believe is a giant, nasty cyst, or tumor on his side. he also doesn't like me to pet his head anymore, he used to love it.and when i try to pet his head he puts it low to the floor, or wherever im petting him, or backs away. it used to be a tiny flesh colored bump, but got bigger and grosser. eventually he got a scab, the scab fell off and i thought he looked like it was getting better/healing, but now its REALLY bad!! but he seems happy,doesn't squeak, hasn't gained/lost any wait, still eats, drinks, grooms his son/himself, brux's his teeth, etc.... and he doesn't squeak when i touch him near it. he's 21 months old, heres some pictures, there pretty gross: please give as much info as you can about how to help him get better!!

Dear Ashley,

That really looks like an abscess. That's good, because it's treatable. Let me send you to a rat expert. Her name is Debbie Ducommun. She is known as "The Rat Lady." First read what her website says about abscesses:

Next you can contact her at (530) 899-0605.  She's very busy but she loves rats and will want to help. Tell you your situation like you told me.

It does cost to get antibiotics for rats, but it's a lot less than a vet visit. Still, it's more than $8. Maybe Debbie can help you by finding a rat person near you who would have some medication they could sell you in a small amount. Suggest that to her.   And you can do the treatment with the warm washcloth until you can get the antibiotics.

Best of luck to Peanut.

