Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > orphan infant mouse pup

orphan infant mouse pup

21 15:06:54

Hello. We found a baby mouse on our garage floor , we left it for a few hours thinking that the mother may come back for it, no such luck! I couldn't live with myself if I didn't try to help it so I put it in a small box lined with paper towels and made a small nest with pillow batting. I researched a little and found I could feed it coconut milk warm with a syringe. This is our first night and  I check on him/her every couple hours... And feed h but he doesn't seem to eat much although he us very active ! Any information you have got us is much appreciated... Thanks so much!

HI Amanda,

I am hoping you are on Facebook and can join my orphans group where we can help you a lot faster and in real time if necessary.  I am so sorry it took me this long to get back to you. I am going to send this off now with this one link in it so if you are on Facebook I can get you in quickly.

There are ten videos here. Watch them in order, 1/10 through 10/10. The person who made them is in my group besides a number of other experienced people.

And friend me on Facebook (message me so I know who you are):

I can help you more here too, if Facebook isn't a possibility.

I hope to hear from you soon!

