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overfed and obese or pregnant mouse

21 15:24:35


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I got my mouse three weeks ago and she's become very big and round around her tummy. At first, I thought she might be pregnant, but it's been three weeks and a day and she still hasn't given birth. So I was thinking that may be she's just become really fat and now I'm worried that I might be over feeding her or she might have an illness because sometimes I give her a small piece of bread or viand.

So I'm just really confused. Is she pregnant or I'm just over feeding her and/or she's got an illness? What should I do? Please reply asap. I've attached pictures of her that I took just now. Thanks a bunch!

Dear Jodie,

There are a lot of reasons for mice to be fat.  If she is pregnant but late, you will know within two days for sure.  The next most likely scenario is that she is just going to be a fat mouse. Just like people, some mice run to obesity.  Make sure you just give her her mouse mix or pellets/blocks (she will not overeat) and maybe some vegetables, no sweets or fats.  She must have a wheel for exercise.  

There are also medical reasons for obesity in mice, which a vet trained in pocket pets or exotics could diagnose.  

When I have fat mice I just enjoy them and they have almost always been perfectly healthy and lived long lives.

Have fun with her!

squeaks n giggles,
