Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > mouse gonna have babies

mouse gonna have babies

21 15:32:03

Hey,it's Rose again!Moo my mouse has a wife(Oreo)and she is pregnant.Her due date is July 4,2009.PLZ get this before then.I need to know if when she has her babies,should take Moo out?And also,is it safe to clean the cage(which involes putting mom and dad and babies in a different cage)before the mice are 3 weeks?

Dear Rose,

If you don't want another litter on the 25th, take Moo out before the due date.  Otherwise leave him in and he will help take care of the babies.

Clean the cage now, and then you can clean it again on about the 14th if you like.  They'll be stable enough by then.

Have fun!

squeaks n giggles,
