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Possible temporary mouse depression--any ideas?

21 15:20:31


Hello Natasha,

My mouse Pumpkin just died yesterday on her 1st birthday of a massive tumor--that of course couldn't be saved. It grew so fast, she would have probably died in surgery. :(

Pumpkin had 2 other buddies, Baby and Diamond. They were all very close. For one month straight they both worked together to keep Pumpkin clean by constantly grooming her, bringing her food, and even making her bed from toilet paper. :) Baby is already over a year, so I knew this was a lot of stress on her: but taking her away would make it worse and I knew it so I let her be. Diamond turns one in a few months, so it's hard on her too. But I guess that applies for any age.

It's about 2 days after Pumpkin died, and both Diamond and Baby are fluffed out. They're tired, not even using the wheel which is rare. They're eating and drinking, also sleeping together. I've been sick for a week, and didn't check on the mice when she died. So the girls didn't get any sympathy until today when I noticed she wasn't in the cage. Is there anything I can do for them that will make them feel a little better? Any treats or games you know of, or toys? I don't really want to hold them too much, I might sneeze on them!

Anything is greatly appreciated :) Thanks a million :D

~Lydia, Baby, and Diamond

Dear Lydia,

You are absolutely right that the mice are depressed.  They obviously loved Pumpkin very much. It is so good that you had 3 mice, so no one was left alone when Pumpkin went.  For this reason I always recommend three mice.  You should replace Pumpkin soon.  

Mice can't get human colds or flus (viruses).  However, they can get bacterial infections.  If you have seen your doctor and s/he didn't prescribe antibiotics, then s/he thinks you have a virus.  If you did take antibiotics, you should no longer be contagious after 24 hours.  So unless you are suffering from a great deal of pain or have a high fever, you probably are fine to hold the mice. Of course I'm not a human (or mouse) doctor, but this is my experience and learning from others. Do wash your hands before you hold them (of course you should be in this habit anyway), and don't kiss them (I know it's hard not to!!) just in case.

It will help to hold the mice. It will also help to get a new friend to distract them.  New toys will also distract them when they feel well enough to play.  Treats are a good idea too.  Something like salted, buttered popcorn is a wonderful treat. They also like commercial (not the healthy, plain kind!!) peanut butter, nuts, cheese, pretzels, tortilla chips, and Triscuits.  Fresh vegetables such as carrots, greens, celery, cucumber, or really anything (but NO AVOCADO PITS they are poisonous) are healthier too.  

I hope Baby and Diamond feel better soon.  It's possible for a mouse to die of a broken heart, but that probably would have happened sooner. Do watch for signs of illness or mites, since depression lowers the resistance of the immune system.



PS interestingly enough, Pumpkin is by far the most common mouse name of people who write to me, I wonder why?!