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Dropped Mouse Died

21 15:32:33

Well I'm sad to say that my pet mouse Minnie died like 10 minutes ago.She died from falling off of the swinging patio couch we were playing on. well this is how it happened she crawled to the end of the couch and crawled under I tried to get up slowly so I didn't make her fall but she fell straight down. she looked OK and just scared because when she gets scared she sprawls out and she did so but within 10 seconds she rolled on her back lifted all four up in the air.We put her in her box and have her water then held her she seemed fine but then she started the kind of have a seizure again we gave her water to stop it again but then she started flipping around and fell out of our yvette's hand and hit the ground hard agian.....she died soon after. So my question is how did she die and how can I stop my mouse from dying if this happens

Dear Johnny,

I'm so sorry about poor little Minnie. Mice are very delicate creatures and even a short fall can cause deadly internal injuries.  The seizures are normal when a mouse dies.  She was lucky not to have suffered for very long.

It is very important that a mouse is never anywhere where she can get away or fall.  It is so easy to lose or injure little mice.  They have to be treated like delicate china.  You should only hold the mouse over a bed and don't let her run free unless it is a very safe place and she can't jump or fall off, or get crushed.  Many mouse owners learn this lesson the hard way. I did.

Be careful with your future mice and they shall lead happy, healthy, long lives. Best of luck to you.

