Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > mouse dropping thick clear something?

mouse dropping thick clear something?

21 15:19:03

Hi natasha,
i have a question (its a little bit weird, im sorry)  about the fancy mouse i bought today at a petshop. She has been doing normal wee's and poo's... but she is also dropping a small clear gunk sort of thing that pretty much looks nose bogeys, but clear. they are really sticky. i have no idea what this is, i was hoping you may be able to enlighten me??? thanks, liz

Dear Elizabeth,

That is nothing to worry about. My mice have that frequently, even under normal circumstances; and mouse digestive systems are influenced especially by stress, such as from moving in with you, and diet change.  The only thing to worry about is actual diarrhea for more than a day.

Have fun with your new mouse!

squeaks & giggles,
