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orphan field mouse

21 15:17:02

My son and I found a 1-2 day old baby mouse in the middle of the street this morning. Not sure whether it was alive or not i picked it up in a bag and brought it home. so far, the little fella is alive and strong. Following advice i found online I bought kitten formula and feeding it. It is eating and pooping regularly but there has been blood in its poop, which I know cant be normal. I'm keeping it warm and it is still eating/acting normal otherwise. Any advice you can give me about the bleeding and how I can keep him alive. Thank you!

Dear Monet,

There is nothing you can do about the blood. We don't know what the poor thing went through before you found it. All you can do is make sure you feed it every TWO hours 24 hours a day. I hope the little guy is OK.

Feel free to write back with more questions. Do follow the link on my profile for orphan mice. She has a number of great videos about orphans.

