Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Mouses Back Legs?

Mouses Back Legs?

21 15:18:05

Hi :)

I recently purchased a mouse, who was (and still is) very active. Tonight though, I went to his cage, only to find his back legs weren't working. At first I figured he had hurt them on his wheel.. but then they randomly started working again.. :S But unfortunately, in the past hour, this random non workage of his legs has happened numerous times in the past few hours, and his back legs and also his tail, are turning black and going cold. I know this means his legs and tail are dying. I'm just wondering is there anything I can do for him? He doesn't seem to be in any pain.. he still try's to run around as if his legs were fine,, he even try's to use his wheel :S I'm just so confused as to why this could be happening :(

Thank you in advance for ANY advice :)

Hi Christina,

This is a very serious issue, as if his back legs die he will almost certainly not survive.  There are several possible causes, but all of them require a fast trip to a veterinarian who works with pocket pets.

An injury is still a possibility, as are neural problems, circulation problems, or something like an abscess or other infection/growth that could be putting pressure on the nerves or blood vessels.  It's urgent that he see a vet and discuss possible treatments - it may be that he needs antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, or other medications, but which ones would be impossible to say without a professional.  If you cannot find a vet, try calling the place you got him, as they may know of a nearby vet, as well as local animal shelters and even wildlife rescues if you have no other options.  He may not seem like he is in pain, and he might not be, but mice never show pain until it is extremely severe, so it's important to fix up the problem as soon as possible.

I'm really sorry this is happening to your new pet, but hopefully the problem can be figured out quickly and maybe he can get the use of his legs back soon!  This is really not a common problem at all, so please don't let it throw you off of mice.  :(
