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Hiccuping sound

21 15:19:35

HI Purchased two female mice(Nibbles and Daggers) early Septmber2010.Nibbles went on to have 9 healthy pups a week later(yes she was pregnant!). After the last cleaning(of the cage), Nibbles has kind of a hiccup with a squeak.When this happens she is always running her paws over her nose/whiskers. She seems to be eating and drinking. She will respond to hand feeding and still comes to the cage edge when we are nearby.
Also, we sometimes have to isolate Daggers from the pups as she tends to be more protective than the own mum.
I'm concerned as Nibbles' squeak hasn't stopped, she sort of hunches and prefers to be in a quite alone(in the tube or in the corner)

Hi Tee,

Sounds like Nibbles may have picked up an upper respiratory infection.  It's somewhat common when they first come home, but can become serious if not treated.  Unfortunately, since she is probably still feeding her pups, treating her with medication may be difficult.  It would be risky to give her an antibiotic that might pass to the pups through the milk.

However, since squeaking/hiccuping/coughing isn't a good sign, she should see a vet if at all possible.  Daggers should go on an antibiotic if possible as well, since she's been around Nibbles.  That way, even if she isn't sick yet, her immune system can have a hand in keeping her healthy despite exposure.

The vet will be able to identify the problem for sure (since other things can cause respiratory problems or squeaking like allergies, beddings, hidden injuries, or even having been sick in the past) and can help find a treatment that won't hurt the pups.  Even if you can't bring them in, try calling in case they can give you any advice over the phone.

Best of luck, and I hope that squeak goes away soon!