Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Is she to thin? Flavored pedialyte? HELP!!!

Is she to thin? Flavored pedialyte? HELP!!!

21 15:05:53

About a week ago my boyfriend found a baby mouse on the doorstep and we decided to adopt her (Nym).  We gave her KMR for a few days and the switched her to goats milk because it lasts longer and I had thought that she was doing fantastic but yesterday she stopped peeing and then this morning she had diarrhea.  I did alot of research and know that pedialyte is supposed to help but all i could find was flavored, is that OK?  
Also during my research I found videos of another mouse that was underweight that looks like he was about the same size as Nym so I have attached pics in hopes that you could tell me if she is.  If she is what can I do?

Please try to awnser quickly I'm really worried about her.  I know how quickly she can pass and I have really grown very attached to her.

Dear Theresa,

What is the situation now?

I am truly sorry to have missed you. I was not getting my notifications. :(

If you still have them, join my Facebook group and message me. I am the OP of the pinned post. I will bring you into a babies group,

I am so sorry!!

