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My mouse ate her dead friend?!

21 15:08:52

Hi Natasha,

First off I want to say I am a relatively new mouse owner. Having only been a mouse owner for a few months now. I did as much research as possible before I went to the pet store. I bought two female mice that were living in the same cage at the store, they were about the same size and they seemed to get along well. As I said, I've had them for a few months now, they would play together on the wheel and were always snuggling together. A few days ago I noticed that one of them, Roxy, seemed a little down, I thought at the time maybe she was just tired and didn't think much of it. I checked on them yesterday morning before I left for the day and she was sitting on top of one of the larger toys, just sitting there, eyes half open. Since it was daytime I thought perhaps I had just woken her up or something. I was out for most of the day so when I got home in the evening I was checking to make sure they still had plenty of food before I went to bed. That's when I noticed Roxy's body half buried under some of the shavings. I thought she was sleeping but turns out she had died.

I don't know if it was from natural causes or what, but when I scooped her body out of the cage, she was missing her head. I am now concerned for my other mouse, Silver, as now she is alone in the cage. I don't think she killed Roxy, but as I was gone all day, I can't be sure. I've never heard them fighting, and as I said, they seemed to be best friends. Is it unusual for one to eat the other after death? Will Silver be ok knowing that she did eat Roxy? I am not sure what I should be doing with Silver now, or if I should get her a new companion or not. Please let me know what you think and what I should do.


Dear Jenn,

Completely normal. It keeps predators from the nest and keeps the foul body from making the other mice sick. In the wild of course.

No, she won't feel guilty. She will just go about being a mouse the best she can.

She needs friends. And since both she and the new mice need a two week quarantine, you might as well do it now.

I am sorry you and she lost your little friend :( . She needs you a lot right now- can you give her an hour or more a day? If she is calm enough, she can sit in your sleeve or on your shoulder as you do other things.

