Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > will a wild mouse bite infect me?

will a wild mouse bite infect me?

21 15:15:46

my cat had a wild mouse today day so i put it in a cage to look after and i was trying to pick it up and if i did pick it up would i get infection or if it bite me would i get infection

Dear Efan,

Any animal, wild or not, including humans,  has an infectious bite. My indoor cat put my mom in the hospital once from a little playful bite. Bites should be avoided by using gloves to handle a wild creature; a healthy mouse can also be grabbed by the very base of its tail by its rear end, but should be placed upon something it can stand on right away (like your gloved hand).

As far as getting an infection without a bite, there is a rare disease that some wild mice have called hantavirus. This is usually spread by breathing in old mouse pee or poo. Just don't stick your face in the cage when you clean it : )). If you have terrible flu symptoms within a month tell your doctor you had contact with a wild mouse. But this is very unlikely.

I hope it doesn't bite you and you help it find a happy life somewhere.

