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Escaping Mice

21 15:19:17

I have 3 female mice that I am going to use as breeders, but they are constantly escaping from their cage, I have them in a 2 lv wire cage the space between the bars is only 1/4" and the 3 males I have that are 5 weeks younger than the females in the same exact type of cage either can not or just do not get out. And because I don't want them running loose in my house I have to put them into the little critter carriers you can get at the pet store at night or whenever I leave. I just don't know how I can keep them in while I am gone, because sometimes I am gone for over 10 hrs at work and don't like leaving them in the tiny plastic tote that long. Any ideas on how to either make them want to stay in or keep them in would immensely appreciated.
P.S. I don't have camera to send pictures with


Your naughty little girls need a large aquarium, especially because the babies will certainly escape through any size wires. You can get a 30 gallon aquarium meant for lizards, but if you, like me, have cats who will want to sit on top, you will have to make your own, stronger lid! That would be the minimum size if you actually want to breed three girls in one cage-- which isn't really recommended, but will probably work. Usually two is a good number, so they take turns in the nest but it doesn't get too crowded.

Search my archives for questions on breeding, pregnancy, and raising babies!  or ask.

squeaks n giggles,
