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Ill mouse

21 15:10:45

I have a 1 year old female mouse who has suddenly gotten very ill overnight. She is very listless and does not move around much at all. She appears to have issues moving her legs as well. There is blood like discharge coming out of her nostrils and eyes. She has eaten very little and we have just gotten her to drink a little water with some vitamins but we have no idea what to do. There is no suitable vets in our area and I just hate seeing her suffer. I was thinking it may be her time to pass but she has held on for over 12 hours and I just want to know if there is anything I can do for her.

Hi Bronwyn,

I'm sorry I did not see this sooner.  My fingers are crossed that one way or another, your pet is no longer suffering.

I think you are correct that it was her time.  Sometimes these things can happen very suddenly, but it doesn't sound like anything that could have been helped, especially not that quickly.  The most important thing you could possibly do for her is be there for her - she knows you and you are a comfort by just being near.  She knows she is loved, and that is most important.

I'm sorry, again, and if you have any other questions please let me know and I will do my best to assist.
