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Is Vinegar Safe?

21 15:21:01

I have a mouse odor problem and recently had a friend tell me that she used vinegar. I have heard that a lot of things are toxic to rodents and I was wondering if vinegar is safe to use in a mouse's drinking water.

Hi Carly,

I've actually heard that vanilla in the drinking water helped control odor; I've never heard about anyone using vinegar.  I've also heard of people using something called Marshall Bi-Odor, but I've never tried either method myself.

I think very small amounts of vinegar are not harmful, but I don't know that I would risk putting it in the drinking water.  In addition to vanilla and/or Bi-Odor, you can also try switching the bedding, as different beddings have vastly different odor control, as well as changing the bedding more frequently.  If you have a male that is causing the problem, be sure to completely clean the toys and cage walls and roof too when doing change outs, as males will urinate over everything they think is theirs, which smells pretty strongly.  Rinsing the cage in diluted bleach (1 part bleach to 10 parts or more water) and then thoroughly washing off all bleach should also help.

Best of luck!