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Mouse making noises

21 15:11:34

I visited my cousins today and was holding one of her mice (a female) and noticed she was making snuffling/rattling noises a lot, and sneezing too. I was kind of concerned about the noises since they were pretty constant. I've had a few mice over the years and never had one that made noises like that, or sneezed so much. What could possibly be the reason behind the mouse making such sounds? Could it be a cold/chest infection? Should I recommend for my cousin to take the mouse to the vet perhaps? Any advice is much appreciated.
Thanks heaps xx

Dear Kelly,

The mouse is very sick. Mice don't get little colds which they can fight off, like we do. Because they are prey animals, they don't show any signs of illness until they are very sick, so hungry foxes and owls don't take advantage of their weakness. A sick mouse *always* needs antibiotics.

Mice must never sneeze, cough, or make repeated chattering sounds. That always means they are sick. The chattery sounds can mean they have or are approaching pneumonia.

I did not know this, as a kid, and thought the chattering was cute. My poor little sick mice. That's why I took on this task!

As sick as she is, she must go to the vet right away. With a very mild case you can treat with an over the counter antibiotic meant for fish. But she needs something more powerful.

Please convince your cousin to take the mouse to the vet. She will not live long otherwise.

Kisses to the little sick girl, and wishes for a very speedy recovery.

