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mouse bedding/ new mice

21 15:24:30

Hi Natasha,
I bought two feeder mice to keep as pets and noticed that within a week they are quite stinky using newspaper and shredded paper as bedding. I'm wondering if I could sprinkle in a layer of unscented plain clay kitty litter to absorb the urine and odor or if the dust might make them sick. Or would they eat it and get sick?
Any advice is appreciated!

Dear Darla,

Both newspaper and cat litter can be poisonous to mice.  You are also right that they would breathe in the dust and it could cause respiratory distress or death.  You can get several types of bedding at a pet store.  The most common are a paper-type litter such as Carefresh, or wood chips.  

To get the best start with your mice I recommend getting a mouse care manual from a pet store, book store, or library.  There are many available.  You can also do a search on this site using "Natasha mouse care" or "Natasha mouse cage" to find questions other beginners have asked.  

Have fun with your new friends!  

squeaks n giggles,
