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Mouse died of seizure?

21 15:32:46

All four of my mice were sleeping in their house when suddenly my favorite mouse Snowball comes running out sideways and fell over. She tried to get up but quickly fell over again. She twitched for a moment and died beside her strawberry house. I'm devestated. Is this the death I should expect for the other 3? Why would she come out running only to die that way? At most she's prob less than a year old.

Dear Rebecca,

I'm so sorry about Snowball.  It sounds like she had a seizure.  That's usually genetic and then not contagious; the others will likely be fine.  

Mice don't want to die in their nests because it could foul the nest and make the other mice sick.  Thus they leave the nest when they know they are going to die.  She wanted to save her friends.  That was her last wish.

Poor Snowball.

