Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Mice as pets... parents...

Mice as pets... parents...

21 15:14:12

QUESTION: Hi, My friends little sister is getting mice and I was thinking how fun if I got mice too. These are a few of my questions so theres kinda alot!
How social are mice to humans?
I know there needs to be more then one and females.
Do feeder mice bite more?
Where can I find a good breeder in MN?
What is the average cost?
Sorry there is so many.
The next problem is convincing my parents... I already have rats and gerbils - and fish - and a dog. I can take care of them. My rat just had a stroke... :(
I know they will say you have to many pets. But I'm sure I can get them weaker... even if take 2 years. Any tips?
Thank you
I havn't found anyone that can answer my parent problems yet.

ANSWER: Dear Emma,

Well, I'm sort of on the side of your parents. That is an awful lot of animals. I don't know about gerbils, but rats take a lot of time. I'm not sure you have time to give new mice the love that they need.

You see, mice are very social. They love their people. Yes, if you get females you need several. Males live alone, so if you want one, get a male. But a mouse who lives alone needs at least an hour of people time a day. Mice are much smarter and more loving than gerbils. They are not as smart as rats, though, and don't interact in the same way. Mice are not just little rats.

Some places breed feeders separately from pets; others use the same mice. If they are not the same mice, it makes more sense to take the pets because feeders are not bred for health, temperament, or longevity. And they can often be sick because the breeder doesn't care. But if they use the same mice, you just have to look for the best one. First, the pet store should be clean. The other animals should look healthy and not be overcrowded. Then, the mice should not be overcrowded either. They should all look healthy-- sleek fur, good posture, nothing around the eyes or nose-- just like rats.

Mice don't bite like hamsters and gerbils. They are more like rats that way. If a mouse is really scared it might bite-- like when I was trying to free a mouse whose leg got caught in a wheel and got bit. And some mice, like some rats, are more territorial than others and nip a hand in their nest.

I can ask around about a mouse breeder in MN. I will revise this or send you a message and you will receive a notification, if I find someone.

Mice in a pet store cost under $5. Breeders might charge anywhere from $5 to $60. But it is absolutely worth it to get a privately bred mouse.

Ok as for the parent question... Do you keep the cages of your other animals super clean? Do you interact with them as much as they need? Do  they ever run out of food or water? My suggestion is that you ask your parents what you can do to prove that mice will add to the house and not cause any problems. Maybe your grades need to be higher. Maybe you need to do your chores more efficiently. I think the question "what can I do to make it Ok?" is better than "can I have mice?" without offering anything in return. And their answer has to be more complicated than "no."

Best of luck!

squeaks n giggles,


I'm sorry about your rat... I hope she or he recovers as well and quickly as possible.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi, sent this question to two experts so I know which one to do later on and you answered all the questions even about my parents. Thank you SOO much!!
I have a few more questions that might help. (Thank you)
Is it true that female don't smell or have less oder then males?
How needy is it to go to the vet?
Thats it... for now :)
Are you the one on youtube? I love your video if it is!
(The one about caring for mice)

Dear Emma,

I'm glad I won the contest. I will have to read Tamarah's answer to see what she said : ))

Yes, males smell noticeably worse than females.

Mice need to go to the vet when they are sick. But they do not get sick as easily as rats.

Yes that is my video : ))

squeaks n giggles,
