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Infected Eye

21 15:11:02

Hi, I own a fancy mouse and he is a fully grown male. I noticed recently one of his eyes look unusual. Its always half closed and now and then theres white stuff around it but not all the time. He had this a week ago and it seemed to go away and back to normal and I thought maybe he just scratched his eye but now its back. He acts normally as he always has though and his other eye is perfectly fine. I'm not sure what it is and I don't know if it hurts and I am unsure if there is something I can do to help. I am worried for him.

Dear Shara,

He should go to the vet for the correct eye drops. Until then, you can just wipe it with a Q tip or your finger with saline. If you cannot get to a vet, look at the eye drops for people and get one that includes antibiotics. But that is without diagnosis and it is less likely to help than a vet's diagnosis and treatment.

Best of luck to your little boy.

