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My mouse keeps running in circles... round and round... whats wrong?

21 15:20:50


9 girls before separat
Hello Natasha,

I own 15 mice at the moment. We had 10 females together, but one had 2 surprise (and adorable! :D) babies, so we then had 9 together. We had heard a few squeaks here and there (fight-wise), but it wasn't much at all--so we didn't think much of it. Thus, another night, we found 2 mice who were beaten up really badly sitting there in the cage. Diamond had been bitten pretty well, and Amethyst was internally bruised. We immediately separated them from the group to their own patient cage. Diamond thankfully recovered in one night, but Amethyst took over a week. We thought poor Amethyst wouldn't make it. :( But she did and is now in her OWN house. :)

Diamond went back into a different cage with 3 other small mice (like her): Pumpkin, Baby, and Isis. Isis was soon separated out because she was being harassed by Baby, an older but alpha female. Pumpkin and Baby are still with Diamond with no problems. The other 4 in a different group are bigger mice who are more calm--they are still together, no issues. :D!

But Diamond had never done this before the last "beating"--she now spins and runs around in circles! It's so weird and a little funny at the same time, but since the day she got beaten she has done this; 'round and 'round. One night she stayed in one place and just went around and around and around! I finally picked her up, and she stayed pretty still (just standing there normally). I put her back down, ALONE, and she did it again--a few BIG laps around the cage, then in-place spinning again. I put her back in with the others--same result. Gave her treats--she ignored them. And they were her favorites!  

She eats only the healthiest seeds out of the mix and drinks lots of water. She's the healthiest mouse of ALL; she has had no illnesses whatsoever. Never had lumps, bumps, cloudy eyes, unhealthy teeth, dirty fur, bald spots... nothing except bite marks (understandable of course). She takes WONDERFUL care of herself... I just want to know what this is. Any ideas? :)

Thanks a million, :)

Lydia and "da kids" ;)

Dear Lydia,

Loved the mouse descriptions.  Your mice are super lucky to be so loved!  

Diamond's problem is psychological.  It isn't all that rare.  Sometimes a mouse will do that when it is bored and needs more excitement.  Then putting more toys in the cage can help.  But other times the mouse is just, well, mentally ill.  She had a terrible trauma and just didn't quite get over it.  I'm so glad she is very physically healthy and chipper.  Other than distracting her, there's not much you can do.  It's better than what can sometimes happen to mice, which is to self-injure.  But still it's a pity.  

I hope she and your other mice stay happy.  Best of luck.



PS By the way, Pumpkin is the most common mouse name of people who write to me, I'm not sure why! : ))