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Selina might be sick

21 15:09:19

Hi Natasha,
I was handling Selina the today and I noticed a kind of rumbling sound coming from her when she got really close. At first I thought it was just her sniffing things out, but then I thought I heard her sneeze a few times....She seems pretty active and I still see her eating and drinking regularly...
Do you think she is sick? should we be worried?

Hi Ed,

Rather than worry, bring her to the vet. A healthy mouse is a quiet mouse. She probably needs a course of antibiotics. My guess is the vet will give you some Baytril; I recommend no less than 2 weeks. Vets tend to underestimate the time-- and then they see the mouse again when it gets sick, which isn't exactly on purpose, perhaps, but is not in the best interests of the mouse.

Let me know if this isn't possible and I can help you out. But the absolute best thing for Selina is to go to the vet.

Best of luck and health to her.

