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sick paralysed mouse

21 15:21:51

please help my mouse he is paralysed in his hind legs his left arm and paw and has an arched spine but can still move his head and eats when hed fed and drinks.
have no idea how this happened he hasnt eaten anything different or late ??

Hi Bianca,

I'm sorry to hear about your mouse.  If there is anything he could have climbed on and fell off of, it's possible that he injured himself, in which case he should be taken to a vet (just bring the whole cage in, rather than moving him) to see if there is something that can be done to help him.  It's also possible that he could have a genetic disorder that is now affecting his muscle and nerve responses.  As long as he is eating, drinking, and grooming himself, he should be alright, but a trip to the vet is the only way to make sure he isn't in pain.

I hope he feels better soon!