Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > I think that my mouse is dieing!!!

I think that my mouse is dieing!!!

21 15:37:37

QUESTION: I have had two mice(white mice) Since I think 9-22-08. And they were just fighting and fighting and fighting. So I got two cages and separated them. Their names are Lucy and Ethel. Ethel was the one that was hurt big time. She only bit Lucy's ear and toe. Lucy Made a big patch on her back and on her side bleed. But now that they are separated Ethel just sleeps all day. AND she is sneezing. But I'm scared to put them back together. What should I do???!!!

ANSWER: It was the right thing to separate them. It sounds like the behaviour of two boys as females are rarely violent.

However, mice are social creatures and need the company of other mice or they will become depressed. Make sure they are females either by asking your vet or looking at pictures on the internet.

As Ethel sounds like she was more defending herself than attacking Lucy so take her along to the pet store and find a few mice she gets along with. You may wish to go to a different pet store than the one you bought your two mice from as they shouldn't have sold you two who didn't get along. You could also look for reputable breeders in your area. They too will be able to accurately sex your mice and possibly find suitable buddies for them. Always watch them when you introduce new mice. The odd squeak is OK but separate them if there is any bullying.

You can do the same for Lucy as there is a chance it was only Ethel she didn't get along with. Try to find mice of a similar size and age and of course the same sex.

I hope it works out, please feel free to ask any more questions. Good luck.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: What about the sneezing?

ANSWER: Sneezing could be a reaction to the cleaning product you use or the type of bedding you have. Wood shavings are better than sawdust as the small particles can irritate their nose. She may also have a cold perhaps because she is depressed so make sure the cage is in a warm room away from drafts. Play with them both as much as you can since they are by themselves.

Please feel free to ask any more questions.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I think that I know what is makeing them sneeze because now they are both sneezing. My mom hot glued the bars together so that when they run at night it wouldn't wake me up. I think that they could have chewed some of the hot glue. Do you think that could be it?

I'm not sure what you mean when you say she glued the bars together - do you mean the wheel? If they have chewed the glue they might be ill although I wouldn't expected the symptom to be sneezing. Check my previous advice and if you are still unsure take them both to the vet.

I hope they recover soon. Please feel free to ask any more questions.