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Orange Poop

21 15:40:09

I Saw your answer about The baby mouse with orange poop, but noticed, you didn't answer the Orange Poop question
either that or i didn't get the answer.
so what does Orange Poop in mice mean, because my year old Fancy Mouse "Jenn" who is healthy and athletic just Pooped orange poop, so i googled it, and i found this site
If you can help that would be great
( i feed them a seed mix but lately i ran out and have not had time to feed them more seeds so I've been feeding them carrots and occasionally they're Pumpkin seed treats.)

As I recall in the other question the owner had fed kitten formula to the baby mouse which when mixed with water was orange. This caused the baby to poop orange feces.

Orange poop is usually a result of a poor diet. The best thing to feed mice is either mouse or hamster mix which consists of seeds, nuts, grains dried vegetables etc. This provides mice with all the vitamins and minerals they need.

In your case it sounds like the orange poop has a lot to do with what you are feeding them. Carrots are orange so as a result they are producing orange poop. Just as if humans were to eat a lot of red berries or vegetables etc you'll find its evident in the feces.

Try to feed them a balanced diet and add fresh fruit and vegetables now and again. Feed them crackers etc more sparingly.

Please feel free to ask any more questions.