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Orphaned Baby Mouse

21 15:19:50


Mouse similar to Marle

Yesterday I found one baby/young mouse (his eyes are open and he has fur) lying on top of a dead sibling. I'm concerned because of how lethargic and "tame" he is... Whenever I put my hand in his house (I have him in a ten-gallon with a towel laid out on the bottom), he climbs right into my hand, and immediately falls asleep. He looks kind of sick! He's making this weird clicking noise whenever he's awake, and it's a constant noise, so I'm wondering if it could be from his breathing? He's sleeping right now and is still making the noise. It's quiet but sounds kind of like morse code.

This mouse has no interest in milk, but drinks water voraciously! He will only drink it when it's on my finger though (then he licks it off), but has no interest in it otherwise. He has been eating solid foods (some seeds from hamster food), and has moments of being active. I put  a mini hamster wheel in there, which he seems to love. He has run on it three times that I've seen so far! He loves exploring his house, but the majority of the time, he's fast asleep and clicking away. She also appears to be breathing pretty quickly. Is this normal? If not , what can I do to help??


(the pic attached is one I got offline, but it looks similar to my mouse - who I named Marley)

Hi Emily,

Clicking and lethargy are both abnormal, and it sounds very much like an upper respiratory infection.  Unfortunately, once a mouse starts acting sick it means the problem is already serious (as you probably guessed based on the late sibling).  If you can take him to a vet, please do, but if not, I would try antibiotics in the water you give him.  Since he'll only drink from you, make sure you give him as much as he wants - staying hydrated and well-fed is a big part of fighting off infection.

If a vet is impossible, there are instructions on how to give tetracycline in the water here:  However, I can't stress enough that a vet visit is the best choice in this case, as antibiotics that are safe for adult mice are not always the right choice for juveniles.

I wish you both the very best of luck, and I hope he feels better soon!