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Stressed mouse?

21 15:40:12

Yesterday I purchased two fancy mice, both female, from a local PetSmart. They appear healthy, they've been eating and drinking and all that. I think they're about two months old. One of them has been running in his exercise wheel virtually non-stop for the past twenty-four hours since we got her, taking short breaks for little naps or to eat. (The other one goes o too, but she sleeps and eats and seems more well-rounded). I'm getting a little concerned about this very active behavior. Is my mouse over-stressed or anything? Is there anything I should do?

Thanks in advance, Erika.

Mice have different personalities just like humans. Some eat a  lot and don't do much exercise and become round in the middle (couch potatoes). Some are very active and have loads of energy (athletes etc). Then you some who are somewhere in the middle. She is probably on the wheel a lot because she likes it, perhaps she didn't have a wheel in her other cage, it's a novelty!

The important thing is shes eating, drinking and its coming out the other end. Healthy happy mice should have a glossy coat, bright eyes, appear alert and shouldn't be humped over or lethargic.

Make sure she is being bullied by the other mouse, check for bites and scratches.

If you have any more worries or questions please feel free to ask me.