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Shaking mouse

21 15:15:57

Hello, my mouse pepper has been shaking when i hold to pet her, wellits more like vibrating for one second then stop, then vibrating again, it doesnt affect her ability to move around and shes like his usual self, eating and exercising isnt a problem. Recently my femal mouse salt died around 1weeks ago, has this got anything to do with that? Should i be worried?

Dear Rachel,

I read your questions to Tamarah after she asked me what I thought, so I know your situation. First let me say something about Salt. She asked you to pick her up because she knew she was dying and wanted to die in your hand. My mice have done this many times. It means she loved you.

The answer to Pepper's issue may be just as positive. Very happy mice "purr" (I don't know what the technical term would be) by vibrating rather than making a sound, when they are happy. If it is a quiet vibration off and on as you hold him, this is the answer.

Let me know if this doesn't sound right. It just sounds to me like your mice fell in love with you right away. You are definitely a mouse whisperer!

I am sorry about the loss of Salt.

I hope your holidays are going well.

