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found baby mice

21 15:07:24

I found 6 baby mice in my yarn box tonight they have very little hair and they're eyes are still closed. I want to keep them alive but don't know how. My family found 4 baby rabbits that the mother had abandoned unfortunately we lost all four...don't really like mice. But, I can't bring myself to kill them. Thanks for your time and help... also don't have much monry can't spend a lot of money right now.

Hi Samantha,

Baby mice need to be fed every couple of hours to survive, especially if their eyes are still closed.  They also need to be kept warm and need help with going to the bathroom.  Orphaned mice are very difficult to car e for, so if they are still with you, there is no shame at all in asking for local help.  Call all of your local vets, wildlife rehabilitators, pet shops, and rodent breeders to see if they know anyone with experience with orphaned mice or someone who is able to help raise them.

Please take a couple of minutes to read this link on caring for orphaned mouse and rat pups.  The only supplies you need are an enclosure, a heating pad, kitten milk replacement, and an eye dropper.  You may also want cotton swabs to help stimulate them to go to the bathroom, rags for the bottom of the enclosure, and some people find a warmed small plush toy (like a beanie baby) can also help out.  Here are complete instructions for orphans:

Best of luck to them, and please let me know if you have any questions!