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Getting mice! Play area; vacation

21 15:10:06

even though i haven't got mice yet i plan to get them soon and i have a few questions on how to care for them.
1)i have a bedroom with a lot of gaps behind wardrobes and draws if i wanted to let them out to run around the room could i just block up the gaps or would they nibble it or just squeeze through, if so is there another way of giving them a sense if freedom and exercise like some sort of large pen perhaps?
2)I've heard that mice are quick and can be hard to handle but can they become attached to humans and can they sit still, are they always jumpy or can they become calm?
3)the one major problem i have is that i can't think of any friend or relative who would be willing or in a position to care for them if i went on holiday is there somewhere i can leave them for a short while and know that they would be in safe hands?
thank you for reading my questions and taking the time to listen and answer my questions

Hi Verity,

It's good that you are researching before you get the mice!

1.) The mice cannot free range. There are too many ways for them to get into trouble. Also, it will take you quite a while to get them to come to you if you want to train them to. They are not, quite, small rats : ). They will be quite happy if you give them a table top with boxes and toilet paper rolls (which cannot fall!) and other things to climb in and on, and a wheel. They will also be happy in a nice big cage with lots of things to do; and coming out to hang out with you minimum a half hour per day. They like shoulders and sleeves, which is convenient because you can do other things.

2.) Yes, they do become attached, and can be anywhere on the scale of loving blobs to crazy zoomers. It depends on their breeding, original socialization, and experience with you. It is far best to get them from a private breeder, if you can find one. I might be able to help you if you tell me where you are; but I only know a few.

3.) The mice are ok for up to four days alone IF they have TWO water bottles, a TON of food, their nest is nowhere near the water bottles, the temperature will be constant, there are no other pets in the room-- in other words, they will feed themselves and they don't need you for a few days, but you have to think of and plan for every possible disaster. If someone can help you but doesn't have a lot of time, all they have to do is come every other day and make sure there is food, water, and nothing has gone wrong. If you are gone for a week, it would be best if your mouse-sitter could handle them every once in a while.

Otherwise, vets often provide boarding services-- hopefully the size of the animal is taken into consideration in price-- or you can start now putting ads in Craigslist, for someone who would board them for a while for pay. A young person is best-- college; or high school WITH your contact with the parents. We found a college student, well recommended by our rat breeder, who actually stayed here for a week, which is good because we have one mouse cage, three rat cages, and a bunny. My point is, we found her far earlier than we needed her. I was able to show her everything beforehand, in case my departure was sudden. Make sure you write down what the person has to do.

Enjoy your new mice!

